Solar Eclipse 2024 |
February 14th,
This is a reminder to our residents and especially to
our senior residents of Concord Township. A Total Solar
Eclipse will occur over Troy on Monday April 8, 2024 at
about 3:00 in the afternoon. Officials are predicting
there will be a very large number of people coming to
our community to witness this event. Because of the
expected numbers of people coming, the ability to move
around Troy on our streets and highways will be
difficult both before and immediately after the solar
eclipse event. We should anticipate access to key
services will be difficult at best. So the best advice
is to plan so you can stay home on April 8th and the
days leading up to this day. It would be advisable to
get prescriptions, groceries, car fuel and other needs
prior to this time.
Please feel free to
Contact Us
with any questions you may have.